

Author Jon Gordon reminds us, “We don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it. Remember your why and it will fuel you. On the days you don’t feel very positive, your mission and vision will keep you going and give you something to be positive about.”   This advice takes me back to when I was defending my Master’s thesis.  I have always been a hard worker, putting 110% into everything I do.  The members of the committee had noticed this about me and made it a point to remind me to stay balanced so I wouldn’t burnout (reach a state of physical and mental exhaustion).

Well, all these years later, I am still putting 110% into everything I do and I have yet to burnout.  I have heeded my committee’s advice and work to maintain a balance in my life, but what I think keeps me going at 100 %+ is that my personal mission (goals), vision, and purpose are always front and center.  All that I do helps me achieve my goals.  ‘My goals’ is the operative phrase.  I am not doing what I do to please anyone but myself.  I do what I do because I have the interest and my skills and talents match what I do.  When these factors are in play, it is easy to approach any task with passion – with a strong liking, a deep interest, or a devotion to something.  Passion is the enthusiasm, the zeal with which we approach something and it is the passion that keeps why we do and what we do front and center.

John Maxwell (American author, speaker, pastor) tells us that,Passion energizes us to accomplish our dreams and gives us desire. You can’t coast to success. It takes passion and desire to undertake any great accomplishment. Does your passion match your dream?”  In my case, YES.  My passion matches my dream.  And it is that passion that helps me avoid burnout.

Approaching one’s personal and work lives with passion would be considered a non-traditional way to avoid burnout.  Other non-traditional ways include:

  • playing and connecting with our inner child
  • approaching tasks and situations with gusto
  • smiling and knowing what puts a smile on our face
  • showing our confidence and not fearing mistakes or failure
  • observing what comes easy to us or what we find easy to do

I would be remiss if I didn’t provide some of the traditional ways to avoid burnout, such as:

  • nurturing and balancing all aspects of our lives and ‘recharging our batteries’ when necessary
  • setting healthy boundaries
  • recognizing when we are stressed and implementing relaxation and stress reduction strategies
  • taking care of ourselves (spirit, mind, body)
  • having a support network
  • seeking professional help when needed

For me, the two key strategies that have helped me avoid burning out are nurturing and balancing all aspects of our lives and ‘recharging our batteries’ when necessary and being passionate about what we do.  Remember, when we are passionate about something, we are excited to deal with it.  When we are passionate about something, we get so engrossed in dealing with it or working through it or with it that time just flies by.   When we are passionate about something, we put our whole heart and soul into making it happen.   

Passion is one of the most important keys to success and to avoiding burnout.  John Maxwell (American author, speaker, pastor) tells us, “Desire is everything—it can literally overcome any circumstance, obstacle or hindrance in your way. People with desire—with passion—have already succeeded before they even begin—because they never considered that their dream, no matter its magnitude, cannot be accomplished.” If we want to be successful at ‘whatever’ we are doing or facing (and avoid burnout along the way), we have to love ‘whatever’ it is. Passion seems to be a magical potion. 

Passion makes the impossible, possible.  It lightens our load by making things fun.  Passion breeds enthusiasm. It makes us feel good about ourselves and what we’re doing.  It is the natural “alarm clock” that makes us want to bound out of bed and start our day.  Passion helps us continue to travel our life journey with a spring in our step, a song in our heart, a smile on our face, and the strength to face whatever may come our way!  If our passion matches our goals and dreams we stand a good chance of achieving those goals and dreams without burning out.